an invitation to reimagine

radical bodhicitta

I’m receiving these reframings from Benjamin Henretig as a beautiful invitation to ground and support us in tending to our fears, anxiety and grief.

May we find some peace, release (cry, scream, move energy through our bodies), relief, rest and wellness through this madness. 🙏🏾💜

benjaminhenretig.reframes.jpg 23 March 2020 | Instagram: @benjaminhenretig

Image Description: A list with the heading “Five Creative Reframes in a Time of COVID-19” created + posted on Instagram by Benjamin Henretig. Two columns each listing 5 phrases with arrows pointing to the reframed phrases in the second column.

1) Shelter-in-Place becomes Artist-in-Residence.
2) Quarantine out of Fear for Self-Protection becomes “Quaranteam”
out of Concern for Collective Well-Being.
3) Social Distancing becomes Physical Distancing.
4) Isolation + Loneliness becomes Solidarity + Solitude.
5) Economic Collapse becomes Ecological Renewal.

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